Air Quality performs the full spectrum of stack testing services to all types of industries, satisfying regulatory requirements for emissions testing as well as providing vital process evaluation data, performance optimization and guarantee testing. Our stack testing teams routinely sample for all regulated pollutants, including criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and volatile organic compounds.
Air Quality routinely performs testing to demonstrate compliance with environmental permit emission limits. These tests include:
- Sampling for dioxins/furans, PCBs and PAHs, volatile (VOC)/semi volatile organics (SVOC) and heavy metals.
- Particulate (filterable and condensable particulate, PM10, PM5)
- SO2, NOX, NH3, H2S, CO, THC, and other criteria pollutant emissions testing.
- Acid Gases (SO3, HCl, HF).
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
- Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAPs) emission testing.
- Continuous and Predictive Emissions Monitoring Systems certification
Air Quality can provide process optimization and performance guarantee tests on Air Pollution Control (APC) equipment, such as:
- Baghouse collection efficiency.
- ESP optimization and gas flow distribution studies.
- Evaluation of emission reductions.
- FGD performance guarantee testing.
- Gas Turbines Emission Testing to support tuning activities.
- SCR/SNCR ammonia slip determination.
- Scrubber efficiency determination.
- Thermal Oxidizer optimization.